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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lil B - I'm Gay

Think about Lil B what you want but you have to admit he's done his work to get to the top. He recorded over 1000 tracks and promoted his music everywhere, which paid off in the end. I don't think he is a great rapper but his music makes me smile and cheers me up almost everytime I listen to it. He just seems to have so much fun on his songs, it's just incredible.
Lil B is about to release a new album with the provocative title "I'm Gay". Of course it doesn't mean that he's gay, he uses that word in the sense of "being happy" but also to support the gay community. I think it's great that he has to balls to do this but not everyone likes it. He even got death threats because of this album title. I guess some people have nothing better to do.
I don't know much else about the new album right now, only that it will of course contain the famous "swag! swag!" and "woop! woop!" shouts.
Listen to one of my favorite Lil B tracks:

UPDATE: It leaked.


  1. he looks like one to :) j/k.. but i don't like his music thats for real..

  2. There are two types of rap for me. Rap that pumps me up, and rap that has meaning and makes me think. This is the former (the better kind most of the time anyway).

  3. yeah, not a fan of lil b :X

  4. That is impressive. BTW...made you new blog of the day.

  5. nice too see some homo-friendliness in the rap community

  6. it wont sell with that title...

  7. Not a fan of hip hop or rap really but I'm glad to hear someone is spinning the word "gay" to a more positive meaning.

  8. this is such a brilliant publicity stunt
