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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Earl Sweatshirt is back

Guess what? Big lips is finally back. If you're a fan of rap collective odd future, you'll know I'm talking about Earl Sweatshirt:

He's suddenly back from samoa and it seems he's not so tight with the other OF guys. It seems that his mother really has him under control, because he has a different management than the other OF guys and it seems like they really have a big influence on everything he's doing rap wise.
Check out a new track called "Home" here: http://terttlefer.com/
it seems to be some kind of social community or something especially for earl.
He also has a twitter now: https://twitter.com/earlxsweat
I'll definitely keep an eye on this, Earl's music always fascinated me, but I hope he doesn't get changed by his management or his mother, they could fuck things up pretty good. "Home" sounds ok but also boring at the same time. there's a lot of hype about his comeback, I hope he can somehow live up to it.


  1. I'm excited, he was always my favorite out of the group.

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